Movie about promotional events in 2015
Wpisy autora: informatyk
The termination of a project
The Lwówecki District ends with the implementation of the first in its history project financed by the Norwegian funds. From February 2016 six thousand people were tested. Six health promotion actions and three thematic conferences were organized, in which two thousand people in total took part. Hot thanks to the residents of the Lwówecki District… Czytaj więcej »
Movie from opening of the bicycle season
Movie form the opening of bicycle season in Lwowecki District
Conference Design
On 26th April 2016 in the Mieszczańska Hall in Lwówek Śląski, the last conference was organized within the framework of the project called “The promotion of health and prevention of cardiovascular disease for residents of the Lwówecki District”, implemented within the framework of the Programme PL 13 Reducing social inequalities in health financed by the Norwegian… Czytaj więcej »
The opening of the bicycle season in Lwówecki District
First pics from Saturday’s opening of the bicycle season. The event, although it was organized for the first time, it fared (we hope to) positively. There were 380 people. 15 schools reported officially from around the district, including as far as schools in Giebułtów and Krobica. The length ot the route was 28 kilometres, with… Czytaj więcej »
Bike tour-opening just right!
All people, registered in advance, are welcomed to our town square in Lwówek Śląski at 10 o’clock. School, family, informal teams etc. are invited to the setting of the bikes in their groups on the sidewalks around the place of the assembly point. Then, each participant is asked to go to a central point next… Czytaj więcej »
The opening of the bicycle season in Lwówecki District
Contest- 5 bikes to win !!!
Among children and adolescents aged 10-19 years, who were surveyed as a part of the medical services in the programme for the promotion of health and prevention of cardiovascular disease for the Lwówecki District, one prizewinner will be drawn from each municipalities of Lwówecki District. A prize in the competition is a bicycle for each… Czytaj więcej »
Conference about the Project
On 26th November in the Environmental Hall in Gryfów Śląski, the second conference was organized within the framework of the project called “The promotion of health and prevention of cardiovascular disease for residents of the Lwówecki District”, implemented within the framework of the Programme PL 13 Reducing social inequalities in health financed by the Norwegian… Czytaj więcej »
ULTRASOUND camera support training
On 2nd October 2015 in the Laboratory of Cardiac Diagnostic of District Health Centre Company with limited liability in Lwówek Śląski,created for the purposes of the programme for the promotion of health and prevention of cardiovascular disease for Lwówecki District, the training for medical staff with a range of manual camera the ULTRASOUND was held…. Czytaj więcej »
Family picnic with the health zone
On 26 th September 2015, during the 7th Festival of Dolnośląskie “Gifts of the Forest”, the family picnic with the health zone was organized in the town centre of Lwówek Śląski. Within the framework of organized posts information for a healthy lifestyle was submitted , as well as basic research was carried out with the… Czytaj więcej »
Support training to perform the exercise stress testing and a system of long-term monitoring
On 19th August 2015, in the seat of Powiatowe Centum Zdrowia Sp. z o. o. (District Health Centre Company with limited liability) in Lwówek Śląski, medical staff was trained to perform the exercise stress testing and a system of long-term monitoring so-called Holter, which was leased within the framework of the programme for the promotion… Czytaj więcej »
Bike tour – pics