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On 26th November in the Environmental Hall in Gryfów Śląski, the second conference was organized within the framework of the project called “The promotion of health and prevention of cardiovascular disease for residents of the Lwówecki District”, implemented within the framework of the Programme PL 13 Reducing social inequalities in health financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009 – 2014 and the national budget.

At the beginning of the conference, all the people were welcomed by the Head of the Lwówecki District Mr Marcin Fluder, who thanked for arrival of numerous group of people.

Then, a project manager Mr Marcin Lampart presented the foundation of the project, the time frames, the planned operations and he  invited for watching a film presenting  bicycle routes of Lwówecki District, as well as all hitherto existing performances organized during the realization of the project.

Mrs Edyta Malczewska, a Medical Coordinator of the project , took aslo the floor,  encouraging everybody to participate in the research.
Another point of the meeting was the lectures with a range of healthy eating and cardiovascular disease presented by a doctor of medical sciences Mrs Monika Zygmuntowicz.

In a break between lectures, prizes in the form of bicycle clothing and gloves were given for the winners of the contest, which took place during the Bike Tour on 12th September 2015. The awards were handed out by Mrs Małgorzata Szczepańska – the Member of the Board of Lwówecki District.

During and at the end of the conference  invited guests were treated with healthy refreshments consisting of a variety of snacks and meals. Besides lectures and other surprises,  a medical station was provided where participants were able to measure blood pressure and body weight and calculate body mass index BMI.

The conference was attended by representatives of the district authorities, the directors and employees of health care and health services, councillors, students of upper secondary schools, community leaders and headmasters  and employees of  schools of the Lwówecki District.