About EOG

General information

Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism, i.e. EEA and Norway Grants, are a form of foreign aid granted by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein to new UE Member States. The funds are connected with the Polish accession to the European Union and the simultaneous accession to the European Economic Area (EU + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway). Donor countries benefit from access to the internal market of the European despite the fact that they are non-EU members. Currently, the second edition of the grants is being implemented; it covers the period 2009-2014 The previous edition covered the period 2004-2009.


The main objectives of the EEA and Norway Grants are: to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and strengthening the bilateral relations between the donor and the beneficiary states.


The recipients of EEA and Norway Grants are 16 EU countries: 12 countries that joined the common market in 2004 and 2007, as well as Spain, Portugal, Greece and Croatia.


The total amount of the second edition of the Norway and EEA Grants amounts to EUR 1.798 billion. Allocation for Poland amounts to EUR 578.1 million, including management costs incurred by the Donors and the Polish side.


Generally, applicants may be private or public, commercial or non-commercial, and non-governmental organizations established as legal entities in Poland, as well as intergovernmental organizations operating in Poland. For each programme a list of eligible applicants will be established. a list of eligible applicants can be found under the section AREAS OF SUPPORT.


Within the framework of the EEA and Norway Grants several programmes, i.e. theme areas, were indentified. Within a particular programmes calls for projects are to be organised.

When it comes to support areas, many theme areas of the first edition of the Norway and EEA Grants were maintained. First of all, the following shall be listed: protection of the environment (including renewable energy), cultural heritage, health, research and scholarships. Also there will be implemented a programme on Schengen area and home affairs, including the prison system and preventing violence. As in the first edition, much emphasis was placed on strengthening civil society. Also completely new topics were indentified, such as decent work and tripartite dialogue, as well as cooperation between self-governments aiming at regional development.

The programmes are implemented by so called Operators, i.e. institutions specialized in a particular field, such as in the case of health – Ministry of Health. Operators are responsible among others for preparation of a programme, announcement of call for proposals, selection of projects, projects’ monitoring, as well as promotion of the programme. Some programmes are implemented in partnerships with Donors.

A list of programmes can be found under the section PROGRAMMES.

Presentation of programmes, i.e. objectives, themes, applicants, grant amount etc., can be found under the section AREAS OF SUPPORT.


The selection of projects to a large extent is based on call for proposals announced by the Operators under the various programmes. In addition there are implemented so-called pre-defined projects, i.e. projects which due to their special importance, are identified without any call for proposals.

More about healts NMF programme: Norway Grants