About the project

The programme of health promotion and prophylaxis of circulatory system diseases for Lwówek County

The programme is aimed at reduction in morbidity and mortality rates in consequence of circulatory system diseases as well as at increase of social awareness in the field of health protection and promotion of a healthy lifestyle among Lwówek county inhabitants.

The programme beneficiary is Lwówek County, whose project became one the laureates of projects financial assistance competition within the framework of the programme “Reduction of social disparities in health care” financed with the means of Norwegian Financial Mechanism and Polish state budget. The provider of medical services in the programme is Powiatowe Centrum Zdrowia Sp. z o. o. (County Health Care Centre Ltd.). The programme will be carried out to April 20, 2016. The project value 1 925 470 zł.


The programme is result of the assessment of inhabitants’ health needs that revealed that there is an excessive morbidity from diseases of the circulatory system and that they are one of the causes of death and, in consequence, increased mortality rate.

The rate of mortality from diseases of the circulatory system positions the Lwówek County on the 32nd place in Poland.


The programme has a complex character since it focuses on promotional, educational and prophylactic aspects; it includes also various forms of social integration for village and town inhabitants.

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle will be conducted based on the following events included in the programme of action:

  • football tournament,
  • canoeing rally,
  • bicycle rallies,
  • swimming classes for children and youth,
  • family picnic.

The purpose of preventive medical examinations is to identify circulatory system diseases, define the morbidity risk factors as well as take actions in the field of education, obtain a specialist cardiologic advice, cardiac rehabilitation, acquire dietary and psychological advice.